apparition (noun) | definition: a supernatural appearance of a person or thingsentence: In my dream the ghost like apparition looked familiar. |
portentous (adj.) | definition: ominously significant or indicativesentence: The music in the haunted house was portentous making it even scarier than it actually was. |
satyr (noun) | definition: one of a class of woodland deities, represented as part human, part horsesentence: C.S Lewis likes to write about fictional characters such as satyrs. |
truncheon (noun) | definition: a club carried by a police officersentence: The police officer used his truncheon to knock the struggling victim out. |
importunity (noun) | definition: the quality of being persistentsentence: Students should exercise importunity. |
calumnious (adj.) | definition: slanderous; defamatory sentence: The bullies acted calumnious to the child on the bus. |
sepulcher (noun) | definition: a tomb, grave, or burial placesentence: Koreans go to visit the sepulcher of their ancestors during chuseok break. |
pernicious (adj.) | definition: causing harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtfulsentence: Too many sweets can be pernicious to our bodies. |
knave (noun) | definition: an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest personsentence: Nobody wants to have a knave as their friend. |
perchance (adv.) | definition: perhaps, maybe, possibly sentence: There is a perchance that I will someday meet Justin Bieber. |
vouchsafe (verb) | definition: to allow or permit, as by favor or graciousness sentence: You always want your teachers to vouchsafe your late homework. |
expostulate (verb) | definition: to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has donesentence: The vice principles job is to expostulate any naughty behavior at school. |
brevity (noun) | definition: the quality of expressing much in few wordssentence: Some authors have the gift of brevity in their books. |
beseech (verb) | definition: to implore, beg earnestly sentence: I do not like it when you continuously beseech me to favor you. |
satirical (adj.) | definition: given to the use of irony, sarcasm, or ridicule in exposing or denouncing follysentence: We have some satirical teachers at YISS. |
paragon (noun) | definition: a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence sentence: Many students demonstrate paragon in their work. |
garb (noun) | definition: wearing apparel; clothessentence: Everyone is required to wear garb in public. |
coagulate (verb) | definition: to change from a fluid into a thickened mass; curdle; congealsentence: My mom had to coagulate the cream sauce for our pasta. |
epitaph (noun) | definition: a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that sitesentence: The epitaph often reveals how a person died or their faith. |
visage (noun) | definition: the face, usually with reference to shape, features, expression, countenance sentence: My visage reveals how late I stayed up the previous night. |
Hamlet Vocabulary Acts I & II
August 8, 2019