adders | poisonous snakes |
ambiguous | vague, indefinite, indistinct |
arrant | no self-control |
assail | attack |
auspicious | promising success: favorable |
baser | lower in quality |
beguile | trick, enchant |
canonized | to consider holy or authoritative |
carnal | appetite and passions of the body, sensual |
churlish | ill mannered |
claumnious | slanderous, defaming |
cleave | split in two |
conjure | call up |
contagion | corruption |
contrive | plot; scheme |
dirge | a mournful song (funeral) |
discretion | good judgement |
dole | sorrow or pain |
dumbstruck | unable to speak because of amazement |
emulate | copy |
epitomize | symbolize, personify, embody |
equivocation | statement with two possible interpretations |
filial | pertaining to a son |
folly | foolishness |
cermane | relevant, useful |
imminent | forthcoming, pending |
inexplicable | baffling, enigmatic, incomprehendsible |
insolence | cheeky, audacity, disrespect |
judicious | using sound judgement |
knave | dishonest |
libertine | a person who is morally or sexually unrestrained |
malice | nasty, cruel, wicked |
obsequious | submissive, flattering |
orisons | prayers |
paragon | archetype, ideal, a shining example |
pernicious | perdition beseech |
portentous | fortelling, ominously significant |
potent | strong and effective |
prodigal | wastefully or recklessly extravagant |
quintessence | the most perfect embodiment or something |
quip | wise crack or retort, a clever remark |
scourge | plague, bane or blight |
shroud | cloth in which dead body is wrapped |
stithy | observe thoroughly |
sullied | soiled, stained, tarnished |
superfluous | unnecessary, surplus, excessive |
treachery | act or supreme disloyalty |
truant | idle, lazy, neglectful |
umbrage | displeasure and resentment |
usurp | seize what does not belong to one |
visage | face |
vouch | guarantee, assure |
Hamlet Vocabulary
August 1, 2019