usurp | to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully |
martial | warlike, relating to army or military life |
bode | foretell |
mettle | vigor and strength of spirit, stamina, courage |
resolute | bold, steady, marked by firm determination |
portentous | eliciting amazement or wonder, prodigious or ominous |
auspicious | affording a favorable appearance |
impotent | lacking in power, strength, or vigor |
impious | not showing respect or reverence |
wax | increase in size |
besmirch | stain, soil, tarnish |
credence | belief or acceptance of something being true or real |
chary | cautious |
calumnious | slanderous |
dalliance | to waste time |
censure | opinion, judgment |
importune | to press or urge with troublesome persistence, beg |
beguile | to trick or deceive |
traduce | condemned, to expose to shame or blame by misinterpretation or falsehood |
pith | central part, core |
ponderous | massive or of great size |
sate | satisfy, gorge |
pernicious | causing insidious harm or ruin, wicked |
antic | strange behavior, clownish extravagance, absurdity |
wanton/wantonness | hard to control, undisciplined, unruly |
incontinent | lacking self-control |
sully | to make soiled or tarnished |
quintessence | essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form |
mince | chop up |
clamor | loud uproar |
epitaph | poem to praise deceased |
lecherous | inordinate indulgence of sexual activity |
malefaction | crime, offense |
affront | appear directly before |
consummation | achievement, completion |
contumely | harsh treatment of language arising from haughtiness or contempt |
bodkin | dagger |
quietus | final settlement, removal from activity |
orisons | prayers |
relish | to take pleasure in |
calumny | false statement designed to stain the reputation of someone |
melancholy | gloomy state of mind |
temperance | moderation or self-restraint in action, self-control |
commeddled | evenly mixd together |
extant | existent |
choler/choleric | anger |
humor | state of feeling, bodily “humors,” fluid or juice of animal or plant, specifically one of the 4 fluids entering into the constitution of the body, and determine a person’s health and temmperament in the balances |
weal | prosperity, happiness, well-being |
rank | absolute, rigorous, indecent |
apoplexy | a sudden loss of bodily function |
cozen | to deceive, cheat |
ardor | great warmth, fervor, passion |
incorporeal | unsubstantial, characteristic of nonmaterial beings |
scourge | to punish, a “whip” |
providence | prudent |
craven | cowardly, lacking courage |
scrupulous/unscrupulous | be principles, ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action |
conjecture | guess, infer, conclusion deduced by guesswork |
superfluous | unnecessary, excessive |
abatements/abate | reductions/to reduce |
remiss | negligent, languid |
Hamlet Vocabulary
July 15, 2019