Paragon | Model of perfection |
Calumny | Slanderous accusation |
Bier | Coffin stand |
Conjecture | Supposition |
Cleave | Split |
Impious | Unholy |
Abhorred | Hatred |
Usurp | Seize unfairly |
Felicity | Bliss |
Pate | Head |
Mandate | Command |
Chronicles | Histories |
Dalliance | Amorous play |
Visage | Face |
Requite | Repay |
Amity | Freiendship |
Martial | Military |
Commended | Praised |
Superfluous | Unnecessary |
Buffet | A blow |
Savory | Appetizing |
Harbinger | Forerunner |
Precept | Rule of conduct |
Orison | Prayer |
Inter | Bury |
Dearth | Scarcity |
Importunate | Urgent |
Purge | Elimination |
Jocund | Merry |
Dirge | Mourning song |
German | Relevant |
Impetuous | Impulsive |
Paradox | Apparent contradiction |
Firmament | Heavens |
Avouch | Assert |
Diligent | Hard-working |
Cudgel | Heavy club |
Bulwark | Strong defense |
Extremity | Utmost limit |
Malefaction | Evil deed |
Portentous | Ominous |
Incensed | Enraged |
Prate | Babble |
Consummation | Completion |
Obscure | Hidden |
Circumscribe | Limit |
Pestilent | Poisonous |
Temperance | Moderation |
Gratis | Free |
Perusal | Careful reading |
Hamlet vocab
August 4, 2019