Hamlet Review

1564-1616 What are Shakespeare’s birth and death dates?
Stratford on Avon, England Where did Shakespeare live?
1600-1601 When was Hamlet written?
Elizabeth I Who was the monarch during this play?
Possible interpretations of Hamlet’s Character 1. Hamlet, the victim of external difficulties -Claudius is too powerful2. Hamlet, the Sentimental Dreamer -too much thinking, not enough action3. Hamlet, the victim of Excessive Melancholy -clinically depressed, mentally unstable
Possible Interpretations of Hamlet’s Character 4. Hamlet, the victim of an Oedipus Complex -has an unhealthy love to his mother (FREUD)5. Hamlet, motivated by ambition -will do anything to be king6. Hamlet, misled by the Ghost -not an honest ghost, revenge
Major Themes found in Hamlet Justice and RevengeDestiny and Purpose of LifeMadness and SanityAppearance vs Reality Role of WomenRights and Duties of KingshipPoison and Corruption (Decay and Disease)
Elements of a Shakespearan Tragedy Revenge MotiveInternal and External ConflictsComic ReliefTragic Hero/Flaw/MistakeSupernatural ElementChange Happenings
1. murdered King Hamlet2. married Queen Gertrude 2 Steps Claudius has taken to gain the throne
Wittenburg, Germany where did Hamlet go to college?
1. Hamlet 2. Gertrude 3. Claudius 4. Polonius 5. Laertes 6. Ophelia 7. Rosencrantz 8. Guildenstern Name all 8 of the people dead by the end of the play
how Ophelia dies Drownssignificance- she allows herself to be taken away by the current of the river, just like how she has lived-manipulated by Laertes and Polonius
how Polonius dies Hamlet stabs him while spyingsignificance- he thinks spying is always the answer but it leads to his demise.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Hamlet forges a letter to England telling England to kill ______??
Hamlet to himself Who Says to whom….”A little more than kin and less than kind” (act 1)
Polonius to Laertes who says to whom…”To thine own self be true” (act 1)
Ghost to Hamlet …..”The serpent that did sting thy father now wears his crown” (act 1)
Polonius to King and Queen …”Brevity is the soul of wit” (act 2)
Hamlet to himself …”The play’s the thing” (act 2)
Hamlet to Rosencrantz …”What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason how infinite in difficulty” (act 2)
Hamlet to himself …”To be or not to be”
Ophelia to Hamlet ” to the noble mind rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind”
Queen to Hamlet “The lady doth protest too much methinks”
Hamlet to Guildenstern “Why look you now how unworthy a thing you make of me. you would play upon me; you would seem to know my stops; you would pluck out the heart of my mystery”
Hamlet to himself “I will speak daggers to her, but use none”
Claudius to himself “My words fly up, my thoughts remain below”
Hamlet to Gertrude “I must be cruel only to be kind”
Queen to Ophelia’s corpse “Sweets to the sweet”
Elsinore name of the castle
the ghost which role did Shakespeare usually play
1. avenge his death2. leave Gertrude to heaven3. take care of yourself 3 requests of the ghost
recorder what instrument does Hamlet want Guildenstern to play
when Hamlet doesn’t kill Claudius in the chapel what is the climax?
1.don’t sleep with Claudius2. don’t tell anyone that Hamlet isn’t crazy what 2 things does Hamlet ask of his mother
to take more action after seeing Fortinbras’s army, what does Hamlet promise to himself?
by a pirate ship how does Hamlet come back into Denmark
1. Queen loves him2. people love him 2 reasons the king can’t prosecute Hamlet
1. poison the tip of Laertes’s sword2. poison the wine 2 ways to kill Hamlet
gravedigger scene what is the comic relief
the court jester who is Yorick
Ophelia might have committed suicide why won’t the Priest carry out the funeral?
Gertrude who drinks the poison wine first?
stabs himmakes him drink the wine how does Hamlet kill Claudius
1. Horatio must stay alive to tell the truth2. Fortinbras should be the new king 2 decisions when Hamlet is king
Fortinbras’s army invades and carries Hamlet’s body out like a king how does the play end