PoloniusScene 1Simile | But sir, such wanton, wild, and usual slipsAs are companions noted and most knownTo youth and libery |
OpheliaScene 1Simile | And with a look so piteous in purportAs if he had seen loosed out of hellTo speak of horrors-he comes before me |
VoltemandScene 2 | Whereon old Norway, overcome with joy,Gives him threescore thousand crowns in annual feeAnd his commission to employ those soldiers,So levied as before, against the Polack |
PoloniusScene 2 | Doubt thou the stars are fireDoubt thou the sun doth moveDoubt true to be a lairBut never doubt I love |
PoloniusScene 2 | Be you and I behind an arras thenMark the encounter, If he love her notAnd be not from his reason fall n thereon,Let me be know assistant for the stateBut keep a farm and carters |
HamletScene 2 | Slanders sir for the satirical rogue say hereThat told men have gray beards that their faces areWrinkled their eyes purging thick amber and plumtree gum and that they have a plentiful lack of wittogether with most weak hams |
PoloniusScene 2 | Though this be madness , yet there is method in’t |
HamletScene 2 | … |
HamletScene 2Simile | Why what an ass am I this is most braveThat I the son of a dear father murdered,Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hellMost like a *****, unpack my heart with wordsAnd falling-cursing like a very drab |
HamletScene 2Simile | I’ll have these playersPlay something like the murder of my fatherBefore mine uncle I’ll observe his looksI’ll tent him to the quick, if a do blenchI know my course |
HamletScene 2 | The play’s the thingWherein I will catch the conscience of the king |
KingScene 2 | … |
PoloniusScene 1 | Come go with me, I will go seek the kingThis is the very estacy of lovewhose violent property fordoes itselfAnd leads the will to desperate undertakings |
Hamlet Act II
July 6, 2019