“O, sullied flesh would melt” | 1.2 wants to take his own life; world is a bad place; mother did not grieve for long enough and married too quickly |
“O, all you host of heaven” | 1.5 hamlet says he will remember the ghost and keep his promise of revenge; mad because his mother and claudius are evil but can smile |
“what a rogue and peasant slave i am” | 2.2 unsure whether or not to kill claudius; says that he will wait to find more evidence; beating himself up for being a coward; player shows more emotion than him |
“to be or not to be” | 3.1 good or bad to end his life; applies to ALL; scared of life after death; says death escapes life like sleep; undiscovered country |
“tis now the very witching time of night” | 3.2 hamlet will speak to his mother with daggers but not actually hurt her |
“now might i do it pat now he is praying” | 3.3 wants to kill claudius but doesnt want to kill him when he is praying, only when he is sinning; needs to kill him when sinning so that he will go to hell not heaven |
“how all occasions do inform against me..thoughts be bloody” | 4.4 hamlet admires fortinbras for avenging his father when he has not yet gotten revenge; hamlet decides he must only focus on the revenge of his father from now on |
Hamlet 7 Soliloquies
July 11, 2019