How does Gonzalo try to comfort Alonso in the scene’s first speech? | By saying that at least they survived; “Reason for joy is greater…” |
What is the wager between Antonio and Sebastion? | Bet of who will speak first: Gonzalo or Adrian |
Who wins the bet between Antonio and Sebastion? | Antonio |
Who notices the characters’ garnets were unharmed by the sea? | Gonzalo |
Where had the nobles been before the shipwreck? Why? | Africa for the King’s Daughter’s wedding (Claribel) |
Who does Sebastion blame for the death of Ferdinand? Why? | Alonso; if Alonso married his daughter to a European instead of African, wreck wouldn’t have happened |
Did Claribl eagerly anticipate her marriage? How do we know? | no, she did it to be obedient |
Does Sebastion make any effort to comfort his brother as Adrian and Gonzalo do? | no; Sebastion makes him feel guilty, blaming him for his son’s death |
Gonzalo describes an ideal country, name some of its attractions | Innocent, Pure, Sovereign. No work, crime, violence |
Is Gonzalo’s description of the country realistic? why/ why not? | No; it assumes man and world aren’t fallen, and that nature will supply |
Whats a Complicating Incident? | when a character makes a difficult decision, that one cannot turn back on |
What is the difficult decision was made by two of the nobles? | Antonio and Sebastion decide to kill Alonso and Gonzalo |
Who suggests the murder? | Antonio |
Why was Sebastian’s agreement to Participate in Alonso’s murder more shocking, then if he agreed to take part in killing someone else? | Alonso is Sebastian’s brother |
What does Antonio’s remark about his garments indicate about his conscience? | He feels no guilt for taking his brother’s position |
How are Gonzalo and Alonso saved from being murdered? | Ariel awakes him by singing in his ear |
Caliban indicates that his rambling curses aimed at Prospero may hurt himself, why does he think this? | Prospero’s spirits might hear him, resulting in more torture |
Does Caliban’s realization of the spirits make him stop complaining? Why? | no; he can’t help himself |
Why does Trinculo crawl under Caliban’s garment? | To escape a storm |
What does Trinculo want to do with Caliban? | Make money by putting him on display in England |
How does Stephano take comfort in his “scurvy tunes”? | By drinking wine |
What does Stephano want to do with Caliban? | Take him to Naples as gift to Emperor |
What makes Caliban decide that Stephano is a “god”? | Stephano gives Caliban “celestial liquor”- wine |
What does Caliban volunteer to serve Stephano? | Caliban says he will show Stephano how to use the island to live richly, will kiss his feet |
Stephano’s desire to rule the island may be seen as satirical or humorous imitation of Antonio’s and Sebastion’s desire to rule Milan and Naples. Explain this | In reality… Antonio and Sebastion have no better claim to rule then Stephano does |
Explain the pun that uses dollar/dolor in lines 16-20 | A dollar comes to an entertainer; a Dolor (grief/sorrow) comes to one who accepts trouble w/o resisting |
what does bate mean? | leave out |
In lines 134-143 and 145-150, who and what does Gonzalo quote from? | Montaigne’s Essay of Cannibals |
An means what? | if |
Prospero uses magic to make all sleep except? | Sebastion and Antonio |
“Treble thee over” means what? | Makes you 3x as great and rich |
What does Stephano’s name mean? | Belly/Paunch |
Stephano was probably what? (based off name) | Fat |
How did Stephano escape? (butt of sack) | a barrel of wine |
What does Trinculo mean when he calls Caliban a credulous monster? | He’s gullible, to easily believes (shallow) |
What does Stephano mean when he says “we will inherit here”? | He wants to take over, rule, and control the island |
English: The Tempest Act II
July 10, 2019