English Macbeth Scene Summary

What happens in Act 1 Scene 1? The witches meet and discuss their first meeting with Macbeth.
What happens in Act 1 Scene 2? Macbeth and Banquo fight an kill the traitor, Thane of Cawdor. King Duncan grants Macbeth title of Thane of Cawdor as well as his prior title, Thane of Glamis.
What happens in Act 1 Scene 3? Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches. They tell Macbeth and Banquo their predictions for their future. Macbeth will come king and Banquo’s sons will be king. Macbeth hears that he is granted the title Thane of Cawdor. The witches first prediction comes true.
What happens in Act 1 Scene 4? Duncan announces his eldest Malcolm as Heir to the throne. Macbeth contemplates on how to overcome Malcolm’s position.
What happens in Act 1 Scene 5? Macbeth sends a letter home to Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth talks about becoming a man. Macbeth comes back home and Lady Macbeth talks about her plan to kill the king.
What happens in Act 1 Scene 6? Duncan and his followers are meeted at Macbeth’s castle by Lady Macbeth.
What happens in Act 1 Scene 7? Macbeth leaves the dinner worrying about his plans to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth brings his mind back to kill Duncan.
What happens in Act 2 Scene 1? Banquo and his son, Fleance, encounter Macbeth, who is preparing himself to kill Duncan.
What happens in Act 2 Scene 2? Macbeth kills Duncan. Lady Macbeth takes the bloody daggers away from him. Macbeth starts regretting what his done.
What happens in Act 2 Scene 3? Duncan’s death is discovered. The Porter is meeted by Macduff and Lennox. They find out Duncan has been murdered and Macbeth, in panic, kills the suspected guards. Duncan’s sons flee.
What happens in Act 2 Scene 4? Ross and the Old Man discuss the strange events since Duncan’s death. They then learn that Macbeth has been selected as the next king and Duncan’s sons had fled.
What happens in Act 3 Scene 1? Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth. Macbeth arranges for Banquo and Fleance to be murdered.
What happens in Act 3 Scene 2? Lady Macbeth is uneasy. Macbeth reassures her that all is well but does not tell her what he has planned.
What happens in Act 3 Scene 3? Banquo is killed and Fleance escapes.
What happens in Act 3 Scene 4? Macbeth and Lady Macbeth welcome guests to another banquet. Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo and he starts scaring himself and everyone around him.
What happens in Act 3 Scene 5? The witches and their queen prepare another meeting with Macbeth.
What happens in Act 3 Scene 6? Lennox and an unnamed lord discuss the situations they face. Malcolm is in England, Macduff has gone to find him. The English king is raising an army to fight Macbeth.
What happens in Act 4 Scene 1? The witches meet Macbeth. Apparitions tell 3 stories of what might happen in the future. They start comforting him but then give reason for alarm.
What happens in Act 4 Scene 2? Lady Macduff questions Ross about Macduff’s leave. Her son asks Lady Macduff about his Father. A messenger warns them to leave, but it is too late and they are all slaughtered.
What happens in Act 4 Scene 3? Macduff and Malcolm talk. They prepare to siege Scotland but then Macduff hears of his families murder.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 1? Lady Macbeth starts sleep walking. She starts dreaming and talking about them killing Duncan.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 2? A section of the invading army march towards Dunsinane. The leaders discuss Macbeth who is showing signs of panic.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 3? Macbeth hears of the invading army. Macbeth discusses his wife’s condition. He then goes off to battle.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 4? Malcolm’s soldiers take camouflage themselves with branches from Birnam Wood to mask their numbers.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 5? Seyton tells Macbeth that Lady Macbeth has just died. Another messenger tells Macbeth that Birnam Wood has come to Dunsinane.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 6? Malcolm’s army reaches Macbeth’s castle, the battle starts.
What happens in Act 5 Scene 7? Macbeth kills Siward. Macduff and Macbeth fight. Macbeth is slain. Malcolm becomes King.