Jacques | Who approaches Rosalind (as Ganymede)wanting to be better acquainted |
Rosalind (as Ganymede) | Who criticizes Jacques for being melancholy |
Rosalind (as Ganymede) | Who criticizes Orlando and says he is not a true lover |
Kiss her | What Orlando wants to do at his lesson with Rosalind (as Ganymede) |
Accepts and returns Orlando’s declarations of love | What Rosalind eventually does at the lesson |
Celia | Who Rosalind (as Ganymede) has “marry” her and Orlando |
Duke Senior | Who Orlando leaves the lesson to go see |
2 hours | How long Orlando says he will be gone |
Jacques and some of Duke Senior’s loyal followers | Who kills a deer and presents it to Duke Senior |
Animals horn | What they set on the hunters head as a crown of victory |
Cuckoldry | What the men sing about |
Silvius | Who delivers a letter to Ganymede (Rosalind) |
Phoebe | Who the letter is from that Silvius gives to Rosalind |
Ganymede will never love Phoebe unless Phoebe loves Silvius | What message Rosalind (as Ganymede) sends back to Phoebe |
Oliver | Who asks for directions to Ganymede and Aliena’s cottage |
Bloody handkerchief | What Oliver delivers to Ganymede |
Lion | What attacked Oliver |
Orlando | Who saved Oliver’s life |
Faints | What Rosalind (as Ganymede) does when she hears about Orlandos fate |
William | The youth that loves Audrey |
Corin | Who gets Touchstone and Audrey on Rosalind’s behalf |
Oliver | Who falls in love with Aliena |
Phoebe | Who accuses Ganymede of “ungentleness” |
Ganymede will marry Phoebe on the following day | What Rosalind promises Phoebe |
Pages | Who sings to touchstone and Audrey |
Orlando/RosalindOliver/CeliaPhoebe/Ganymede (or Silvius)Touchstone/Audrey | The couples that are to be married on the same day |
Hymen (God of marriage) | Who Rosalind and Celia return to the wedding with |
Jacques | Who arrives at wedding to tell them that Duke Frederick mounted an army to destroy Duke Senior |
Met a priest who converted him to a peace-loving life | What happened to Frederick on his way to the Forest |
Duke Senior | Who Frederick abdicates his throne to |
Jacques | Who decides to not return to court |
Monastery | Where Jacques decides to reside |
Celia | Who tells Rosalind she is bad at being a man |
Phoebe | Who judges Ganymede to be a young man without looks or manners but is really comparing him to a God who has destroyed her heart |
Shoulder | What Orlando hurt trying to fight off the lion for oliver |
Deliver the handkerchief to Ganymede | What Orlando asks Oliver to do |
As You Like It, Act 4-5
July 11, 2019