Act II Honors English Merchant of Venice

Why does Launcelot want to leave the service of Shylock? Because Shylock is a Jew
List two things that you think are funny in this scene. Scene II. What devices does Shakespeare use to create humor? What is malapropism? Find examples. How Launcelot meet his dad and his dad didn’t know it was him, and how Gobbo was going to Shylock’s to find Launcelot and he was right in front of him. Shakespeare uses a lot of clowning and double-speak. Ex. he confuses the old man and plays along and then reveals that he is his son.
Why does Bassanio hire Launcelot? He needs servants to help him do things during his courtship with Portia.
What does he mean when he says “Shylock…hath preferred thee.” II. 120-22 It means that shylock recommended him and thought that he was a good servant.
What is Gratiano’s request? How does it fit into the theme of appearance vs. reality? Gratiano’s request is for Bassanio to take him with him to Belmont. It makes Bassanio look wealthier if he comes with servants.
Scene III Scene III
What does this brief scene reveal about Jessica’s home life? Jessica does not like her home life, and she doesn’t like her father; she also wants to get out of there
How is her situation similar to that of Launcelot? Portia? Launcelot also feels trapped and none liked as well as Portia, and this is what Jessica is felling now
What does she ask Launcelot to do for her? she asks Launcelot to give Lorenzo a letter in secret
Paraphrase Portia’s lines 14-20 putting them into modern context. She does not agree with her father at all and even though she shares his blood she feels like she is not apart of his family, and she wants to become Christian and marry Lorenzo.
Scene IV Scene IV
What are Lorenzo and Jessica’s plans for the evening? Be precise. They tell of Jessica’s plan to elope with Lorenzo and Lorenzo’s reaction to it. The letter tells of the different jewels and other monetary valued items she is taking along with her hatred for the Jewish faith.
Scene V Scene V
Why is Launcelot at Shylocks home? Launcelot is a servant/worker of Shylock’s
Why is Shylock meeting Bassanio? What is his attitude? Shylock has to meet Bassanio to get the loan agreement notorized and both parties have to be present. He is not happy about meeting, but knows that it has to be done.
What instructions does Shylock give his daughter daughter? How do they compare with a modern parent’s instructions to a teenager? The instructions are to lock up the doors and windows, not to go outside, and don’t let anyone in the house. They are very similar to instructions given by parents today.
What message does Launcelot give Jessica? What is the dramatic irony of this situation? to look out the window for all this. There will come a christian by Will be worth a Jewes eye. The irony is that she is leaving a jew and taking all his jewels.
Jessica has described her home as hell (sc iii l 2) What evidence supports this? The evidence is that the house is in need of a tedious maid to keep things clean.
What is Shylock’s perception of Launcelot as an employee? How does it contrast with Launcelot’s own description of working for Shylock? Shylocks perception of Launcelot is a uneducated servant that is no good anywhere else in society. Launcelot says that Shylock is a bad Jew and he is going to be punished for his actions.
Scene VI Scene VI
What does Jessica take with her when she leaves home? Can you justify her behavior? Explain Jessica takes her essentials like clothes, but she also takes a lot of her fathers gold and Jewels. Yes, if I was being abused I would want to get out of there and she took what she needed, so she could live a happy life.
What circumstances allow Jessica to elope? She is living on her own and she wants to marry a man
How is she dressed when she leaves? How does she feel about her appearance? What role is she assuming? She is disguised as a boy, for women aren’t supposed to be out at this time. She is slightly embarrassed by her appearance, but it is working. She is assuming the role of torchbearer
How does Shakespeare prepare the audience for a shift in scene? Shakespeare uses a smooth transition that allows the play to rest where it is, but move again at anytime.
Scene VIII Scene VIII
How does Shylock react to Jessica’s elopment? How is the Duke involved? Shylock is very upset at his loss, and is most likely to seek revenge. The Duke has authorized a search to find Lorenzo and Jessica.
How does Shylock’s behavior contrast with Antonio’s behavior at the loss of Bassanio? Shylock is not grieving the loss, rather he is just plain out mad at them for taking him wealth.
How does the juxtaposition of Shylock’s cries for his daughter, his ducats give an insight into his character? It allows us to see the inner conflict that he is creating for himself, and how he is in disbelief that this was his own daughter that had did this to him.
What is suggested about the fate of Antonio’s ships? This suggests that something is going to happen to Antonio’s ships that will change his life.
How do Salarino and Solanio fulfill the role of the chorus in this scene? Salarino and Solanio fulfill the role of the chorus, by providing background support that is not as well noticed, but is very vital to the plot line.
Think about the themes of revenge, risk, and appearance vs. reality; what examples could you use from these scenes? Jessica took the risk to take her fathers gold and jewels and go on and elope with Lorenzo. We see revenge in Shylock that he is seeking to get from his daughter and Lorenzo for taking his wealth. Then Bassanio is living past his means from a financial stand-point the isn’t in reality when it comes to his spending limits. This shows that he is creating a false image and is beyond reality.
Summary Summary
What could be the purpose for all the short scenes? The purpose of the short scenes is to make the time go faster and the story keep moving
In these scenes, Launcelot and Lorenzo both make contradictory statements about Jews. Look for the lines and explain what you think the contradictions suggest. There are all sorts of pregidious towards Jews in this play especially from Antonio in the beginning when he calls Shylock names and spits on him.