bequile | to trick |
beguile sentence | a common man beguiled me out of my money |
nuptial | relating to marriage or a wedding |
nuptial sentence | we sampled some nuptial cakes |
dote | to love with foolish fondness |
dote sentence | helena dotes on demetrius |
feign | to pretend |
feign sentence | my sister feigned sickness to skip school |
reveling | celebrating, partying |
reveling sentence | its common for people to be reveling at prom |
woo | to court, pursue, chase |
woo sentence | pip tried to woo stella but she declines him |
shrewd | sharp, witty, clever |
shrewd sentence | the criminal was not shrewd enough to know that we can see through his disguise |
flout | mock or scoff at |
flout sentence | she feels like others are flouting her as she walked past |
progeny | offspring |
progeny sentence | He was the progeny of the president and his affair |
swoon | to faint |
swoon sentence | elle swooned when she saw warner |
tedious | dull, long, boring |
tedious sentence | the tedious drive to florida was 14 hours |
vile | repulsive, disgusting |
vile sentence | the vile man came onto her in an alley |
virtuous | having excellent morals; righteous |
virtuous sentence | she was the most virtuous and honest women that he ever met |
chaste | celibate, pure, virginal |
chaste sentence | hermia wanted to remain chaste while in the woods with Lysander |
chide | to scold |
chide sentence | demetrius chided hermia for following him to the woods |
derision | ridicule, mockery |
derision sentence | helena thought lysander was treatinng her with derision |
divine | godlike, heavenly |
divine sentence | helena thinks demetrius is divine |
odious | offensive, disgusting |
odious sentence | using children as soldiers is odious |
oderous | fragrant, sweet-smelling |
oderous sentence | the flowers were oderous |
spurn sentence | demetrius spurns helena because he hates her |
spurn | to reject |
discourse | conversation |
discourse sentence | emma had discourse with her class about race |
enmity | hostility |
enmity sentence | demetrius had enmity towards lysander |
paragon | model of perfection |
paragon sentence | some mothers are a paragon to their children |
amends | something done to make up for a mistake |
amends sentence | After their fight, he went to amend their relationship |
audacious | bold or daring |
audacious sentence | feeding the tiger is a very audacious job for zookeepers |
discharge | to fulfill or preform |
discharge sentence | a soldier could discharge her duties despite its hardness |
gait | manner of walking |
gait sentence | some people have a gait of a little bounce in their step |
a midsummer nights dream vocab
August 14, 2019