A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Drama Terms

Play or Drama a story acted out, live and onstage
Act one of the main parts into which a play is divided
Scene a sub-section of an act
Playwright a person who writes plays
Actor a person who acts in plays, movies and television
Director the person in charge of making all of the decisions about how a play will look, the actors that will play each part and what parts of the play to include on the stage – does not write the play
Technical Designer person in charge of creating the setting and fulfilling the directors vision for the play
Cast a group of actors
Set scenery and any furniture used on stage
Stage Directions instructions that describe how a character moves and speaks, audience does not hear these – actors use them as suggestions for how to become a certain character
Dialogue a conversation between characters
Monologue a long speech by one character to another character in the play
Soliloquy a speech in a play in which a character is alone on stage thinking aloud to him/herself
Aside words spoken by an actor to the people watching a play, that the other characters in the play do not hear
Prologue the introduction to a play
Epilogue a speech that is added to the end of a play that discusses or explains the ending
Dramatic Irony when the audience knows something that the characters do not know yet
Rhyme Scheme the ordered pattern of rhymes at the end of a line of a poem or verse
Iambic Pentameter 5 unstressed-stressed syllable units per line, 10 total syllables per line
Blank Verse unrhymed iambic pentameter
Couplets a set of two rhyming lines in a poem; at the end of a sonnet
Sonnet a 14 line poem, written in iambic pentameter, with a regular rhyme scheme (AABB, ABAB, ABBA, etc.)
Comedy a story that ends happily, often with lovers uniting – the problem is always resolved, but not before ridiculous events happen
Tragedy a serious story that ends unhappily, often in one or more character’s death