she is sleeping with Bottom as a donkey | How is Titania humiliated at the beginning of this scene? |
he pities Titania, he is planning to undo the spells and chaos he created because he has gotten the Indian boy and still loves Titania | What does Oberon reveal to the audience in his speech on lines 46-70? |
Oberon is talking about pitying Titania and is going to release her from the spell | What is happening on lines 46-70? |
no, because Oberon was easily able to manipulate/trick her | Refer back to II.i 64, where we first meet Titania – the willful, strong fairy queen. Is she really that powerful and willful? Why or why not? |
women in power may not actually have that much power because men try to manipulate them | Through Titania, what might Shakespeare be saying about women (i.e. Elizabeth, Hippolyta, ect.) in power? |
hunting, they were quarreling in Act I, but now they are happy, in love, and content | Why are Theseus and Hippolyta in the woods? how might their attitudes be different than in I.i? |
he answers truthfully, even though he could have lied, which reveals that Lysander is an honest and good person | When asked why he was in the woods, how does Lysander answer? What does this reveal about his character? |
“My love to Hermia, melted as the snow.” his love was only temporary and now it has disappeared; “seems to me now as the remembrance of an idle gaud Which in my childhood I did dote upon” – insignificant and not lasting | What two similes does Demetrius use to describe his faltering love for Hermia? Explain what each means thoroughly. |
My love to Hermia, melted as the snow. | But, my good lord, I wot not by what power (But by some power it is), my love to Hermia, Melted as the snow, seems to me now… state the simile |
seems to me now As the remembrance of an idle gaud Which in my childhood I did dote upon | seems to me now As the remembrance of an idle gaud Which in my childhood I did dote upon; And all the faith, the virtue of my heart, Is only Helena… state the simile |
“But like a sickness did I loathe this food.” – when you’re sick, you don’t want to eat even though you know it’s good for you, but when you’re healthy, you do want to eat. Helena=food | What simile and metaphor does Demetrius use to describe his love for Helena? Explain thoroughly. |
But like a sickness did I loathe this food. | To her, my lord, Was I betroth’d ere I saw Hermia; But like a sickness did I loathe this food. But, as in health come to my natural taste, Now I do wish it, love it, long for it…. state the simile/metaphor |
to let the lovers marry who they want to marry, because he doesn’t want to kill anyone on his wedding day | What is Theseus’ decision? Why does he change his mind and suddenly “overbear” Egeus’ will? |
“And I have found Demetrius, like a jewel, mine own, and not mine own.” – when you’re married to someone, they are yours because you love each other but they also aren’t yours because they still have their own self | What simile does Helena use to describe her newfound love? Explain it thoroughly. |
still at rehearsal, fell asleep at rehearsal, others snuck off while he was sleeping, everything as a donkey was a dream | What is Bottom’s reaction when he awakes? What does he think has happened? |
mixes up his senses: eyes hearing, ears seeing, hands tasting, tongues thinking, hearts talking | What is comical about Bottom’s speech, lines 210-214? |
Bottom mixes up his senses and thinks about writing a song about his “dream” | What is happening on lines 210-214? |
Athens, Peter Quince’s house (order and reason) | Where does scene two take place? |
they think they won’t be able to do the play if Bottom doesn’t show up because they think he is a great actor and that nobody else in the world can play Pyramus | What are the reactions of the other mechanicals when Bottom does not show up? How do they view him? |
paramour (someone cheating on their lover) instead of paragon (model of excellence), courageous instead of auspicious (favorable) | List two malapropisms that the mechanicals make. |
they will perform it for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding, their play was preferred | What is to become of the mechanicals’ play at the end of scene two? |
falling action, because the climax has already happened and the events are setting up for a resolution | In diagramming the plot of this play, what function does this act serve? Explain. |
obsession | dotage |
friendship | amity |
humorous distortion of a word | malapropism |
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act IV
August 2, 2019