A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act 1

abjure Part of Speech: verbDefinition: commandSynonyms: charge, require
adieu Part of Speech: nounDefinition: parting remark or actionSynonyms: good-bye
bewitched Part of Speech: verbDefinition: charmSynonyms: attract, dazzle
consent Part of Speech: nounDefinition: agreementSynonyms: yes, right on
cunning Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: deviousSynonyms: acute, foxy
dispose Part of Speech: verbDefinition: place, order; deal withSynonyms: adjust, group
elope Part of Speech: verbDefintion: run away to be marriedSynonyms: slipaway, slipout
endure Part of Speech: verbDefintion: bear hardshipSynonyms: allow or brave
entreat Part of Speech: verbDefintion: plead withSynonyms: beg or ask
forth Part of Speech: adverbDefinition: outwardSynonyms: along or first
merriment Part of Speech: nounDefinition: amusementSynonyms: cheerfulness or fun
nosegays Part of Speech: nounDefinition: bunch of flowersSynonyms: bouquet, flower
nunner Part of Speech: nounDefintion: coventSynonyms: retreat, ritual
pomp Part of Speech: nounDefinition: pageantry, displaySynonyms: flourish, ritual
prosecute Part of Speech: verbDefintion: bring action aginst in courtSynonyms: bring to trial, summon
pursue Part of Speech: verbDefinition: case, followSynonyms: hunt down, seek
renown Part of Speech: adjectiveDefintion: fameSynonyms: celebratiy, glory
revels Part of Speech: nounDefintion: celebration, merrymakingSynonyms: whoopee, party
sweetmeats Part of Speech: synonymDefintion: confectionSynonyms: sweet, jawbreaker
tokens Part of Speech: nounDefintion: indication, remembranceSynonyms: gift, favor
vexation Part of Speech: nounDefintion: irritationSynonyms: aggravation, annoyance
wanes Part of Speech: verbDefintion: diminish, lessenSynonyms: drop, dwindle
woos Part of Speech: verbDefintion: seek as romantic partherSynonyms: date, beg